Behold, God’s Magnificent Sky of All Skies:

On a beautiful night in November as we arrived back home from work, my husband, son and I gazed at the most magnificent and colorful sky to be seen from afar. The day was coming to an end and our night as a family together bonding and capturing memories together as we look up at God’s beautiful creation skyline before sundown begun.

A New Beginning to Our Lives: Married and United By God

My husband and I just got married on Saturday, October 7th under the Juniper Gazebo at one of Tennessee’s beautiful state parks. Our precious three-year-old son, Grayson walked with my grandfather and me to the gazebo where we all joined in matrimony, exchanging our vows and announcing we are now a married couple, united together by God.

It was a beautiful sunny morning with a slight breeze from the wind blowing in many directions and tears of happiness that we are together at last.



5 Reasons To Do Your Own Blogging:

Freelancing is not an easy gig, and it can take many hours with/without uninterrupted time to get your story completed on the dot. Plus, if you do freelance writing for different clients and if you struggle with the assignments, you can get let go anytime without notifications.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should do your own blogging:

  1. Managing Your Own Stories->you can manage how to organize your assignments in any way you choose to do so.
  2. Select Subjects In Your Strongest Areas-> You choose the subjects that are your strongest points, and you find ways to work around the subjects you struggle with the most. You can work your way up through blogging on your own and build connections faster than you can as a freelancer working for another company.
  3. You Can Always Revise Your Work–>you can always re-write your blog posts or edit the ones from the past and make it look more professional than they were years ago.
  4. You are Your Own Publisher–>In the world of advanced technology, you don’t have to send your work to an editor of a local newspaper and get your story published anymore. You can create your own story, anywhere and anytime without deadlines.
  5.  You Work from the Comfort of your Own Home->You can work from home without distractions and on your own time. You can set the schedule and have a healthy home/work life balance.

Another Job Scammer on The Hunt for Prey:

When you receive emails from people who claim to work for a certain company, make sure you check them out on LinkedIn and determine if the company they work for are legitimate because there have been one too many job scammers on job posting websites pretending to be a manager to a company that they aren’t working for, and they are using someone else’s name to scam people who are in dire need of a job.

Two days ago, I received a job scammer under the name of “Michaela”, and I could not find any information about her on LinkedIn, Google, etc. I looked under the company too and found nothing where it states that she works for this particular company in Illinois.

The main keys to beat the scammer at their own game is to pretend to be interested, however, it is wise to report phishing. Ask them questions about their “bookkeeping” position which goes into vague details about the job, itself. Another red flag to be on the lookout for is when they say they will send you a $4,000 check and it will be applied to the supplies you will “have to purchase online” including your first week pay of $1200. They will then proceed to ask you for your name, address, phone and bank account numbers.

Most companies when offered the job will send you the equipment, not the other way around. Most scammers have grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. They are vague and have worded emails such as “if you are a nice person, we will hire you.” If you never applied for the company and they are reaching out to you with a random email address, chances are it is not the real company contacting you. It is a scammer on the hunt for prey and ready to snatch the almighty green $.

Advertising Sheet for Yearbook Summer Sales:

Here is an example of an advertising agreement form yearbook staffers use during their summer ads sales for each business areas around town that might or might not place their business ads in the yearbook. It is very easy to fill out and you hand them a copy as backup in which they will then make the decision to place their business ad in the yearbook for that particular school or find out that they have another school in mind.

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